Brand Animation

Project Info

Kluster Motohub & Community is a specialized workshop for motorcyclers who wish to learn, co-create and share their passion for motorcycles. The collaborative workshop offers tools and personalized support and promotes workshops and events to integrate the local motorbike community.
The Branding project translates the creative, hands-on, and dynamic spirit of the brand onto its visual assets. The customizing potential of motorbikes and the visual diversity of the tools and parts on the workshop were inspirations for the visual identity collages. The use of paper clippings, Letraset sheets, and ink stamps reinforces the manuality and improvisation that are so distinctive of the motorcycle environment.

An employee wearing Kluster's overalls at the workshop

Kluster's Collage

Kluster's card, business cards, manual, and collage

Kluster's cap and gas tank

Kluster's overalls

Kluster's T-shirts and tags

Kluster's panels

Kluster's Brand Identity Manual

Created at
Brand Strategy & Naming
Alessandra Cavendish 
Design Direction
Felipe Tavira e Akemi Kanegusuku
Akemi Kanegusuku e Felipe Tavira

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